1984 - The NCCOA

1984  -  The NCCOA (North Channel Coast Officials Association) was then the Official officials organization for high school sports.  High school soccer started in 1980/81.  The 1984 season roster:
Adair, JT           Allen, Ed             Bowman, Bill         Cambell, Steven    
Debiase, Tom        Fergon, Rod           Flammand, Joe   
          Forman, Lisa
Fludgate, Brad      Hamsayeh, Rashid      Hesteande, Keith   
    Hood, Myron
Jensen, Torbin      Kincaid, Dick   
         Lesage, Paul               Lietz, Rudy
Muller, Danny       McCullouch, Stewart   Ramsay, Don   
              Power, Will
Rawlins, Jerry   
      Sherwin, John               Steed, Joe                   Stevens, Terry
Strong, Fred   
          Wilson, Richard           Warde, Richard       Zemanovic, John    Zambrano, Armando